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How to name your code follow Uncle Bob way

โ€” CleanCode, VariableNaming, FunctionNaming โ€” 1 min read

โ›” Bad code

function card() {
return card

๐Ÿ†— Good code

function getCard() {
return card

Here the name of the function is self-explanatory, and the variable names give us clues that the cities denote the start and end of something.

Rule 1: Use nouns or short phrases with adjectives to name variables


let u = {}


let user = {}

Aim to avoid redundancy in names as much as possible.

Rule 2: The names of the booleans must resolve to a yes or no answer


if(payment) {
// do something


// do something

Booleans have an on/off nature. As such, their names must reflect their character.

Rule 3: Use verbs or short phrases with adjectives to name functions or methods


function getPaymentMethod() {
// do something()
function fetchWalletBalance(wallet Wallet) {
return wallet.balance

Avoid inconsistencies when using verbs for naming functions and stick to using the same verbs for the same actions.

Rule 4: Use nouns or short phrases with nouns to name classes


class AppUser {
// some methods/vars


class User {
// some methods/vars

To avoid any confusion, make sure to use nouns and think before adding an extra word to the name.

Does it add any value, or does it make the meaning fuzzier?