How to name your code follow Uncle Bob way
โ CleanCode, VariableNaming, FunctionNaming โ 1 min read
โ Bad code
function card() { return card}
๐ Good code
function getCard() { return card}
Here the name of the function is self-explanatory, and the variable names give us clues that the cities denote the start and end of something.
Rule 1: Use nouns or short phrases with adjectives to name variables
let u = {}
let user = {}
Aim to avoid redundancy in names as much as possible.
Rule 2: The names of the booleans must resolve to a yes or no answer
if(payment) { // do something}
if(isValidPayment){ // do something}
Booleans have an on/off nature. As such, their names must reflect their character.
Rule 3: Use verbs or short phrases with adjectives to name functions or methods
function getPaymentMethod() { // do something()}
function fetchWalletBalance(wallet Wallet) { return wallet.balance}
Avoid inconsistencies when using verbs for naming functions and stick to using the same verbs for the same actions.
Rule 4: Use nouns or short phrases with nouns to name classes
class AppUser { // some methods/vars}
class User { // some methods/vars}
To avoid any confusion, make sure to use nouns and think before adding an extra word to the name.
Does it add any value, or does it make the meaning fuzzier?